Introducing codestral-2405: The Ultimate Large Language Model for Code Generation

Introducing codestral-2405: The Ultimate Large Language Model for Code Generation

Meet Codestral/codestral-2405, a state-of-the-art large language model tailored for code generation tasks. Whether you need to generate code, provide code completion, suggest improvements, or translate code snippets, Codestral is here to help. Let's delve into what makes this model exceptional and how you can leverage it for your coding needs.

Purpose and Capabilities

Codestral is optimized for a variety of code-related tasks, including:

  • Code generation
  • Code completion
  • Code suggestions
  • Code translation
  • Understanding and summarizing code
  • Refactoring code
  • Generating test cases

Training and Supported Languages

Trained on more than 80 programming languages, Codestral excels in both common and less common languages, making it versatile and robust for diverse coding environments.

Using the API

To use Codestral, you can query it directly via the Mistral AI API. Below is a sample usage in Python using the LiteLLM library:

import os
import litellm

os.environ['CODESTRAL_API_KEY'] = 'your_api_key'
response = await litellm.atext_completion(
    prompt="def is_odd(n): \n return n % 2 == 1 \ndef test_is_odd():",
    suffix="return True",  # optional
    temperature=0,  # optional
    top_p=1,  # optional
    max_tokens=10,  # optional
    min_tokens=10,  # optional
    seed=10,  # optional
    stop=["return"],  # optional
    stream=False  # optional

Streaming Support

Codestral supports both non-streaming and streaming responses. For streaming, set stream=True in the API call.

Request Parameters

You can fine-tune your query by specifying parameters such as temperature, top_p, max_tokens, min_tokens, seed, and stop to control the response.

Response Format

The response includes:

  • An ID
  • Object type (text_completion)
  • Creation timestamp
  • Model name
  • Choices with the generated text

Cost and Tokens

While specific costs for using Codestral/codestral-2405 are not mentioned, it is listed among the models supported by the Mistral AI platform.


You can also interact with the model using the REST API. Simply send a POST request to the publisher model endpoint with the necessary parameters.

With these capabilities and ease of use, Codestral/codestral-2405 is set to be an invaluable tool for all your code generation needs. Get started today and experience the power of AI-driven code solutions.

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