Unlocking the Power of Mistral Large 2 on Vertex AI

Unlocking the Power of Mistral Large 2 on Vertex AI

Mistral AI has recently unveiled its latest large language model, Mistral Large 2, now available on Vertex AI. This flagship model boasts exceptional capabilities in reasoning and multilingual support, making it a valuable asset for developers and businesses alike.

Model Capabilities

Mistral Large 2 is designed to excel in a variety of tasks:

  • Language Support: The model supports dozens of languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
  • Coding Languages: It supports over 80 coding languages such as Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and Bash.
  • Context Window: With a 128,000-token context window, it is ideal for applications requiring long-context understanding.
  • Parameters: The model features 123 billion parameters, optimized for single-node inference to deliver high throughput.

Performance and Availability

Mistral Large 2 surpasses its predecessors and competes with leading models like GPT-4o, Claude 3 Opus, and Llama 3 405B. It offers improved reasoning and problem-solving skills, particularly in mathematical benchmarks. The model is available as a fully managed service on Vertex AI Model Garden, as well as on other cloud platforms like Azure AI Studio, Amazon Bedrock, and IBM Watsonx.ai.

Access and Usage

To integrate Mistral Large 2 into your projects, you can access it via the Vertex AI API:

  • Vertex AI Integration: Make requests directly to the API endpoint, benefiting from a managed service without the need to manage infrastructure.
  • Model Versions: Specify the model version using the @ symbol (e.g., mistral-large@2407) to ensure consistency in your applications.
  • Pricing: The model is offered on a pay-as-you-go basis, with costs determined by usage.

Additional Features

Mistral Large 2 is packed with features to enhance its usability:

  • Instruction Following and Alignment: The model excels in handling long multi-turn conversations and precise instructions.
  • Code Generation: Optimized for code generation tasks, including completion, documentation, and test generation.
  • Multilingual Support: Suitable for multilingual tasks and content localization, thanks to its support for a wide range of languages.

Getting Started

To start using Mistral Large 2 on Vertex AI:

  1. Enable the Vertex AI API in your Google Cloud project.
  2. Ensure billing is enabled for your project.
  3. Access the model through the Vertex AI Model Garden.

This setup allows you to experiment, customize, and deploy the model effortlessly, leveraging the full capabilities of the Vertex AI platform.

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